What is plagiarism?

What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism is passing off the content of someone else’s work as your own. This applies to formulations as well as facts and ideas, regardless of whether the source you use is published or unpublished.

  • You plagiarize if you submit someone else’s work as your own.
  • You plagiarize if you, without referring to the source:
    • copy phrases, sentences or passages from somebody else’s work, regardless whether you use citation marks or not.
    • rewrite a passage from somebody else’s work in your own words.
    • use somebody else’s idea, theory, method or data.
    • copy images1, diagrams or tables.
    • copy from computer programs, musical compositions, multimedia (sounds, films).
  • You plagiarize if you only replace a few words with synonyms.
  • You plagiarize if you keep characteristic words or phrases from the original work without marking it as a quote.
  • You plagiarize if you make a direct translation from another language without adding a ‘my translation’-comment.
  • Even if you have added a reference and rewritten the text in your own words, alternatively marked it as a quote, you must not base your text completely on other sources. You must also contribute with your own comments and reflections.

1In addition there are special regulations for images. Copying and using images without permission from the copyright holder, may be a crime against copyright law, even if you have cited the source (See SFS 1960:729, 22-23 §).