Summary and tips

Summary and tips

  • When you cite – remember to write in your own words and use reporting words to clearly distinguish the author’s ideas from your own.
  • Mark quotations with quotation marks or make block quotations when you use exact phrases, sentences or passages from the original source.
  • Cite the source, both in your text and in the list of references.
  • Learn to use a citation style which is generally accepted within your subject field.


Always carefully and directly note from where you got material for your work. It is often difficult to reconstruct afterwards where the information was found.

If you want to read more about academic writing there are many different books, both subject specific and general. Ask at the library and check with your teacher if your institution has a writer’s guide where you can get more tips. It can also be useful for you to read scientific texts within the subject field, e.g. scientific articles and dissertations. Through them you will get an insight into what the convention is like for your subject.

If you are a student at Linnaeus university you can get individual guidance from the Academic Support Centre.

In the book Hållbara texter there is a useful checklist which can be a support for your writing (Ask 2006, p. 46).

Ask, S. (2006). Hållbara texter: Att skriva för studier och arbetsliv. Stockholm: Liber.